Spring Party 2022

Thank you to everyone who joined us in the sunshine for our Spring Party recently and made it such a success. It was so nice to catch up with our adopters and their children after such a long time. 

"Thank you so much. It was lovely to meet in person. The kids had a great time and we made new friends".

We raised £380.00 at the event which will help us to continue to offer a fantastic variety of adoption support to our families. 

"A smashing day had by all this afternoon! Thank you for all you do, it was great to speak with other families and amazing to see all the children enjoying themselves".

We're really grateful to everyone who gave their time to help and those who contributed to the raffle and the cake sale. 

We'll have news soon of more social events coming up this summer across the whole of the midlands.

Could you support Adoption Focus today?

Your donations help us continue to support adoptive families from their first contact with us and through the years ahead, as their children grow into adulthood. These donations are vital in enabling us to provide the right type of support at the right time.