SafeBase is a therapeutic parenting programme for adoptive parents. It helps to create a strong foundation for loving and lasting relationships within the family, supporting children to feel more confident, safe and secure with their parents and carers. Everyone who adopts with Adoption Focus has the opportunity to take part in our SafeBase programme.
It was first delivered in 2005 and was originally known as SAFE (Strengthening Adoptive families in England). Since then, over 1,500 families have attended the course.
SafeBase explores the impact of loss and trauma on a child's attachment and uses Theraplay principles and activities to provide a framework for parents to engage with their child in a fun way. It also helps parents to become more sensitively attuned when responding to their child.
People who have completed the course have said:
Meeting other adopters and hearing their ideas and tips was really great. Feeling less alone always invigorates me.
I can’t express enough what a different the programme has made to me personally and I am confident it will benefit my family.
It was an insightful and informative course.
For more information please email the SafeBase team or ask your Adoption Focus social worker.